martes, 23 de agosto de 2011

Politics: Hitler's rise to power

After World War I and the Treaty of Versailles; Germany entered in a really bad moment in every aspect. Not only the economy, but the spirit of the people was devastated.  In 1919 Hitler joined a group called the German Workers Party. He became really influential in there and the whole German politics. Being part of this group influenced a lot on Hitler’s ideas. But he needed more than just talking; he needed acting for the change they wanted. He made gave some speeches and he called a lot of people who wanted to join him. Hitler decided to seize power constitutionally instead of using forced arms for this. Then he created a new political party, the National Socialist German Workers’ Party, the Nazis. Even this was apolitical group; he had made it a kind of military force, and had very important militarists on his side.

With this army leaders by his side, Hitler decided to take action in November 8, 1923; he and his troops surrounded a group of government officials in a beer hall in Munich. He made them swear loyalty to his revolution but this attempt to gain power failed, the officials send him to jail, where he wrote the “Mein Kampf”. After being realized he gave a speech to the German people, called them to resist the oppression of Jews and Communists and telling them to help him create an empire which could rule the world. He promised  them what they wanted and needed to hear, he promised to solve the problems of the depression; and promised each group in Germany what they needed. He promised people to make Germany proud again and restore the German honor.

In 1924 he reestablished the Nazis party according to the Führer principle. The Nazis gradually devised an electoral strategy to win northern farmers and white collar voters support them. This produced an electoral victory in September 1930.But disorder was around Germany at that time, until 1933. It was in 1923 that Hitler ran for president and won 30% of the votes, and entered in a runoff election with Paul von Hindenburg, but Hitler lost; so he decided to enter a coalition government as chancellor in January 1933. When Hindenburg died in August 1934, Hitler was the “successor”. So Hitler was elected president, and he consolidated his position as a dictator since the first moment. The German industrial machine was built up in preparation for a war, when Hitler entered to power. In November 1937, he was comfortable enough to call the military majors and outlined together some plans for a war of aggression in Europe, a way of revenge for them because of Europe has done to Germany after the First World War.

Hitler rose to power by promising great things for Germany, thinking in a utopian way and guided by rancor and anger. Even though, he rose to power in a very smart way, he knew how to get to people and how to expand his ideals, even if this ideals where wrong for the rest, he knew how to make them look just right. This rise to power is maybe one of the most important events in the world during the XX century, it marked the beginning of a new “era” and brought with it the biggest war ever.

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